How To Enable Audio In Top Menu Bar macOS Ventura


With the latest MacOS Ventura release, you might have noticed that your Audio icon has disappeared from your top menu bar.  Sometimes when you upgrade to a new OS, icons can go missing.  Never fear – they are not lost, just removed from the top menu bar until you enable them again.

How To Enable the Audio Icon

Here are the steps to enable the Sound icon:

  1. Click on the Apple Menu –> System Settings
  2. Select Control Center
  3. Under Control Center Modules on the right, you will see a multi-select menu.  Look for Sound.
MacOS control center Sound options

4.  Under Sound on the right –> Choose Always Show in Menu Bar

You do have the option to choose Show When Active which will only show the Sound icon when you are actively running audio on your Mac. Choose this option if you have too many icons in your top Menu Bar or if you just like a cleaner look to your desktop.

Now your Sound icon will be available in the top Menu Bar and you can click on it to choose your sound output options:

MacOS Sound icon dropdown menu sound sources


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