Murata announced the expansion of its PQ line which is comprised of open frame AC/DC converters. The PQU1000 series was designed for industrial and medical applications requiring a high level of safety. The line meets IEC62368-1 and EN60601-1 third edition standards for industrial and healthcare applications. Given that, it is suitable for Body Floating (BF) applications and complies with 2 x MOPP (IN/OUT) and 1 x MOPP (OUT/FG) safety requirements. The series’ layout is optimized for free-air convection cooling making it ideal for use in equipment being operated in low noise environments.
Additionally, the extremely compact PQU line delivers high efficiency at 95 percent meaning an overall reduction in heat wastage and an overall system reduce energy consumption. Its compact design enables convection cooling at 800W or 1000W with forced air-cooled up to 50°C. With convection cooling up to 800W, it also allows for no fan applications up to 45°C without derating. Further, the Power Management Bus (PMBus) protocol allows for improved communication with the power supply unit.
Through a proprietary combination of leading-edge design topology incorporating LLC power transfer technique and digital control and communication, we evolved our proven PQ Series to meet the demands of the medical and industrial markets. The end result is a miniaturized converter line that delivers some of the highest performance and efficiency available in the industry.
Specific target markets for the PQU1000 series include 3D printing, factory automation, test and measurement, displays, broadcast, Power over Ethernet (PoE), and healthcare applications such as hospital bed sensing, ventilators, and blood analysis equipment.
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