Solid State Devices, Inc. continues to expand its hermetic GaN Power
FETs line with the SGF30E100Z8, a 1000 volt dual GaN FET. When used in a half-bridge
configuration, this device delivers 15 amps of continuous drain current, but can also be
connected in parallel to achieve 30 amps. Similar to SSDI’s other GaN offerings, the very fast
switching SGF30E100Z8 has a low gate charge of 10 nC max and a low RDS(on) of 160 mΩ
The SGF30E100Z8 consists of two GaN devices in one compact, hermetically sealed package, the 8 pin TO-254Z8. By replacing two devices with one SGF30E100Z8, design engineers can reduce the number of components needed, simplifying the design and assembly. The ability to
use a single package also saves board space and reduces weight. The SGF30E100Z8 works
with common gate drivers and its low gate charge simplifies the gate drive circuit. In the half
bridge configuration, it can be used in many high-reliability space and defense applications such
as synchronous buck or boost converters, H-bridge motor controllers, and single phase or three
phase inverters.
my project is a full bridge architecture, mode 1 is 500KHz 100V supply 100W average sine gen’, mode 2 is +/- 1KV pulse gen’ 1KV supply 30W average. It seems that two SGF30E100Z8 may do the job.