APEC 2023, to be held at the Orange Co. Convention Center, Orlando, March 19-23, 2023, announces the opening of the portal for submission of Industry Session Proposals. The popular Industry Session component of the conference was created to encourage more content from industry practitioners. Industry Session speakers submit only a presentation (PowerPoint) – without a formal paper. Session tracks run in parallel with APEC Technical Sessions and the presentations are included in the APEC data download package. The deadline for submission of proposals is September 2, 2022.
At the annual APEC, the Industry Session program enables attendees to hear about current topics in power electronics from industry experts who would not otherwise be presenting at the conference. The target audience for these sessions includes design engineers and system engineers/architects. Also in attendance are business-oriented people from purchasing and regulatory agencies, and other entities who support the power electronics industry.
Industry Session proposals can be submitted for a single presentation, which the committee will include in an overall session theme comprising four, six or seven presentations by other individuals. Or a full session can be proposed that includes the theme and topic for each presentation in the session. Each presentation is approximately 20 minutes long plus four to five minutes for a Q & A.
Topics of interest for Industry Sessions cover a very broad range of technologies and disciplines as described on the APEC website. To submit an individual proposal, presenters should prepare a 2-3-page digest that provides a summary of the presentation content and a description of the target audience, as well as a short professional biography of the speaker. If proposing for a full session, a digest for each of the individual presentations must be submitted. Presentations should focus on technical content and “commercial” company/product references should be limited only to those necessary for supporting the core content. The examples for individual and session proposals can be found on the APEC industry session website.
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