Bourns, Inc. entered the insulated-gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) market with the Company’s first high-efficiency 600 V/650 V discrete product line co-packaged with a fast recovery diode (FRD). Designed using advanced trench-gate field-stop technology that provides greater control of dynamic characteristics, the five new Bourns Model BID Series discrete IGBTs deliver lower collector-emitter saturation voltage (VCE(sat)) and lower switching losses compared […]
What’s the difference between Shockley and Schottky diodes?
Neither a Shockley diode nor a Schottky diode are single p-n junction devices. A Shockley diode has a four-layer thyristor structure with a typical forward drop of 800 mV. It’s called a diode because it has two leads. A Shockley diode is essentially a SCR with the gate not connected. In a Schottky diode a […]
Open-drain DMOS transistor arrays optimized for climate control and home appliance designs
Diodes Incorporated has introduced a new transistor array. The DIODES ULN62003A consists of seven 500mA-rated open-drain transistors, where all their sources are connected to a common ground pin. Capable of driving a wide variety of loads, such as solenoids, relays, DC motors, and LED displays, this high-current transistor array is aimed at climate control and home […]
What’s the difference between an IGBT and an IGCT?
IGBTs and IGCTs are four-layer devices that don’t look that different at first glance. But, when you ‘look under the hood’, you find that an insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) and an integrated (sometimes called ‘insulated’) gate commutated thyristor (IGCT) aren’t that similar. A bipolar transistor forms the basis of an IGBT, while an IGCT […]
New 24-V MOSFETs target wireless earphone battery apps
Magnachip Semiconductor Corporation announced that the company has unveiled a new 24V Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor (MOSFET) for wireless earphone batteries. The new 24V MOSFET addresses the goal of battery designers for long battery life after a quick charge by reducing conduction loss. The core cell density of this new product has been increased by 30% […]
Rad-hard 100-V GaN transistor offers lowest on-resistance
EPC has introduced the EPC7018 radiation-hardened GaN FET. The EPC7018 is a 100 V, 3.9 mΩ, 345 APulsed, rad-hard GaN FET in a small 13.9 mm2 footprint. The EPC7018 has a total dose radiation rating greater than 1 Mrad and SEE immunity for LET of 85 MeV/(mg/cm2). The EPC7018, along with the rest of the […]
GaN power transistor features 850-V Vds (transient) rating, low on resistance
The GS-065-018-2-L power transistor expands GaN System’s high-performance, low-cost transistor portfolio and features lower on-resistance, increased robustness and thermal performance, and an 850V VDS (transient) rating. The new addition empowers designers to improve further efficiency, thermal management, and power density performance while increasing design flexibility and cost-effectiveness to meet new demands from consumer, industrial, and […]
Compact eGaN FETs target high power density converter apps
Efficient Power Conversion Corporation expands the selection of low voltage, off-the-shelf gallium nitride transistors with the introduction of the EPC2066 (0.8 mΩ typical, 40 V) GaN FET. The low losses and small size of the EPC2066 make it the ideal switch for the secondary side of high power density 40 V – 60 V to […]
Technical papers demonstrate 15 V and 650 V GaN power device performance and reliability data
Innoscience Technology will present two papers at the prestigious IEEE International Symposium on Power Semiconductor Devices (ISPSD) conference in Vancouver, Canada, May 22-25. The first paper systematically evaluates the reliability and switching lifetime of a 650-V commercial GaN-on-Si HEMT fabricated on a 200mm (8-inch) CMOS-compatible process platform for a high-density PFC Boost power converter application. Innoscience’s […]
650 V SiC MOSFET is first in TO-LeadLess package
onsemi announced the world’s first TO-Leadless (TOLL) packaged silicon carbide (SiC) MOSFET at PCIM Europe. The transistor addresses the rapidly growing need for high-performance switching devices that are suitable for designs with high levels of power density. Until recently, SiC devices had been supplied in D2PAK 7-lead packages which required significantly more space. With a footprint of […]